(Word is nothing, if not flexible.) The following macro works in all modern versions of Word.
How to get around this? Simply use a different approach. For instance, if you place the DOCVARIABLE field in the header of a Word 97 document and then print the document, Word will promptly crash. Unfortunately, this macro solution will not work in all versions of Word. These steps are repeated for the number of times that you chose to print. The document variable is updated and a single copy of the document is printed. Now, when you run the macro, you are asked how many copies to print and what starting number to use. The second thing you need to do is make sure that Word is configured so that it updates fields when it prints. At the point where it should print, simply insert the following field (remember that you insert the field braces by pressing Ctrl+F9): First, you need to indicate in your document where you want the copy number to appear. In order to use this macro, there are two other things you need to do. ' loop through the print-write-print cycle Prompt:="Number at which to start numbering copies?", _ĭefault:=CStr(ActiveDocument.Variables("CopyNum") + 1))) ' initialize document variable if doesn't exist (This comes in real handy if you print 25 copies, and then someone asks you to print a second batch of 10, numbered 26 through 35.) The macro also stores the last copy number between sessions, so that it is used as the default when you next run the macro.įor Each varItem In ActiveDocument.Variables For instance, the following macro asks you how many copies you want to print, along with the starting copy number to use. If you prefer, you can use a macro to print out your numbered copies. Then, you could print that person's name in each merged document, as well. For instance, if each copy of the document was assigned to a particular person, you could simply add another data field to your data source that contained the name of the person to receive the copy. The added benefit of using this approach is that you can use additional information with your merge, as needs dictate. Each copy will contain the desired copy number. Then, place the merge field at the appropriate place in y our document, and run the merge. You would use a simple data source that contained the numbers you want assigned to each copy.

Perhaps the easiest solution to this problem (short of using a macro) is to simply use the mail-merge capabilities of Word. This makes for a rather large overall document, however, and there are easier ways to approach the problem.

Thus, if you have to print 25 copies, you could simply copy the entire document (including the sequential numbering field), move to the end of the document, and paste it in another 24 times. You may also want to utilize a sequential numbering field (as discussed in other WordTips) and make the number of copies equal to what you need to print. One option, of course, is to print the individual copies of the document, making the edits to the copy number between each print. For instance, the first copy would have (perhaps in a header or footer) the text "Copy 1," the second would have "Copy 2," on up to however many copies you have. At times, it is beneficial to number the copies. In a business environment, it is not unusual to print multiple copies of a document.